402 research outputs found

    AnCoraPipe: A tool for multilevel annotation

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    AnCoraPipe is a corpus annotation tool which allows different linguistic levels to be annotated simultaneously and efficiently, since it uses a single format for all stages. In this way, the required annotation time is reduced and the integration of the work of all annotators is made easier

    Esquema d’Ordenació de volums de La Maquinista

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    L’objecte del contracte és la redacció de l’esquema d'ordenació de volums de La Maquinista (àmbit entre els carrers Ferran Junoy, Ciutat d'Assumpció i Potosí)Primer premiAward-winningPostprint (published version


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    Primer premiAward-winningPostprint (published version


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    Projecte presentat per al concurs de la Nova Façana de la seu del Col·legi Oficial d'Arquitectes de Catalunya - Demarcarció de BarcelonaFinalistaPostprint (published version

    Complex d’oficines al 22@

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    Identification of LAT4, a novel amino acid transporter with system L activity

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    System L amino acid transporters mediate the movement of bulky neutral amino acids across cell membranes. Until now three proteins that induce system L activity have been identified: LAT1, LAT2, and LAT3. The former two proteins belong to the solute carrier family 7 (SLC7), whereas the latter belongs to SLC43. In the present study we present a new cDNA, designated LAT4, which also mediates system L activity when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Human LAT4 exhibits 57% identity to human LAT3. Like LAT3, the amino acid transport activity induced by LAT4 is sodium-, chloride- and pH-independent, is not trans-stimulated, and shows two kinetic components. The low affinity component of LAT4 induced activity is sensitive to the sulfhydryl-specific reagent N-ethylmaleimide but not that with high affinity. Mutation in LAT4 of the SLC43 conserved serine 297 to alanine abolishes sensitivity to N-ethylmaleimide. LAT4 activity is detected at the basolateral membrane of PCT kidney cells. In situ hybridization experiments show that LAT4 mRNA is restricted to the epithelial cells of the distal tubule and the collecting duct in the kidney. In the intestine, LAT4 is mainly present in the cells of the crypt


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    Projecte presentat al concurs Enter Ateneo per al disseny del vestíbul de l'edifici de l'Ateneo de MadridMencióPostprint (published version

    Macrophages require distinct arginine catabolism and transport systems for proliferation and for activation.

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    In murine macrophages, as a result of arginine catabolism during activation, citruline isproduced under the effect of IFN-c and LPS, and ornithine and polyamines by IL-4 and IL-10. For proliferation, arginine is required from the extracellular medium and is used for protein synthesis. During activation, most arginine (>95% in 6 h) was metabolized, while under proliferation only half was incorporated into proteins. Under basal conditions, this amino acid was preferentially transported by y+L activity. During activation, arginine transport increased drastically (4–5-fold) through y+ cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) activity. By contrast, M-CSF induced only a modest increase in uptake (0.5-fold). The increase in arginine transport during activation, but not proliferation, was mediated by the SLC7A2/Cat2 gene. SLC7A1/Cat1 is constitutively expressed, and is not modified by proliferating or activating agents.M-CSF-dependent proliferation was not affected in the macrophages of SLC7A2 knockout mice; however, these cells showed a drastic reduction in the production of citruline or ornithine and polyamines during activation. The data show that a large increase in a specific transport system (CAT2) is necessary for activation-induced arginine metabolism, while arginine is in excess for the requirements of proliferation and a modest increase in transport occurs

    El tractament audiovisual dels fets de la tanca de Ceuta i Melilla : de la visió sensacionalista a la humanitària

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    L'intent de saltar les tanques de Ceuta i Melilla per part de ciutadans africans, a l'octubre de 2005, va ser cobert per les televisions amb un tractament audiovisual que va sobredimensionar els fets, oferint una imatge gens normalitzada dels immigrants. TV3 va mostrar en conjunt una visió més humanitària, TVE-1 va destacar les actuacions polítiques, Tele 5 va donar prioritat a l'enfrontament polític entre govern i oposició, i Antena 3 va aplicar estratègies informatives adreçades cap al sensacionalisme. Tot i aquestes diferències, hi ha una homogeneïtat de la informació audiovisual, basada en paràmetres comuns. Fins al punt, que hem experimentat un intercanvi de sumaris dels teleinformatius posant l'àudio d'una TV amb les imatges d'una altra i el resultat és un producte sincrònic i totalment vàlid dins dels paràmetres estàndards d'aquest format televisiu
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